Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friday Five: Top Five Scary Rides

I admit I tend to be a bit of wimp sometimes with scary rides at theme parks.  Recently I have travelled overseas in the USA which is full of crazy rides, so I made sure I forced myself to go on just about everything! I admit it, although I screamed and closed my eyes for parts of the ride I had a  lot of fun.
So here is my list of my favourite scary rides…
1.  Rock and Roll Rollercoaster at Hollywood Studios Disney World
This roller coaster was so much fun – yes I did scream, but it was fast, in the dark and to the tunes of Aeorsmith!  Definately recommend going on this one if you ever get to go to Disneyworld!
Rock & Roll Coaster Disneyworld
2.  Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom Disney World
 I was devastated when on my recent visit to Disney World that Space Mountain was closed for refurbishment! I went on this ride when I was 15 years old and it was so scary and also in the dark (seems to be a recurring theme here for my favourties…roller coasters in the dark!).  Must do if you visit Disneyworld/Disneyland!
Space Mountain Rollercoast
3.  Scooby Doo Roller Coaster at Movieworld
I thought I should also put some of my favourite Australian rollercoasters so you could try them out as well.  I only just went on the Scooby Doo Roller Coaster at Movieworld the other day and I was pleasantly surprised at how scary this one was, after being tricked into thinking it was a bit of a ‘kiddy’ ride! Make sure you check it out next visit to Movieworld!
Scooby Doo Roller Coaster
 4.   Mick Doohan’s Motocoaster at Dreamworld
Ok, I confess I haven’t actually ridden on this one, but I have it on good authority that it is fast and fun.  And of course boys (and girls) love it! Come on, who wouldn’t love a motorcycle roller coaster!
Motocoaster at Dreamworld
5. Roller Coast on top of the Stratosphere hotel in Las Vegas USA
Yes, you heard right there is a roller coaster on top of a tower in a hotel in Vegas.  There is no way that Scooby Doo Roller CoasterScooby Doo Roller CoasterScooby Doo roller coasterI was going to go on it.  My father-in-law who was travelling with us did (he is a scary roller coaster fan!) and he was scared!!! This roller coaster shoots you up into the sky over the side of the building! So definately not for the faint hearted!
 Stratospher coaster
There you have it. My top five favourite scary roller coasters!! Have you tried any of these ones? What are your favourites?

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